So with regards to the situation our mission president has told us officially that for now we can't do too much as it requires professional help with the situation. Apparently it is extremely bad as it has been 9 days I believe since the earthquake so if any of the missing people weren't found within the first 4 days they are now dead due to lack of water. Apparently the smell and destruction has caused a lot of psychological damage to péople working there. He states in the future if we have an opportunity to serve he will notify us. Apparently the situation is very dangerous to head over to the coast and Guayaquil West mission has evacuated missionaries from Manabi and affected parts due to robbing etc. So that is what we know of the situation so far.
We had a missionary recently go home here I believe as he didn't know why he was serving. I met this missionary and he just had no purpose and really didn't want to work. Apparently his parents had forced him to serve a mission and it kind of destroyed him.
So here in Quito the food does involve lots of soups normally. However we have a coastenian pensionista so we get a lot of coast food for lunch and I kind of got sick of rice after 3 courses of rice for lunch and dinner. We actually don't have a dinner person so we normally have to get our own food for dinner. The normal food here is usually some type of chicken with a salad of some sort with rice. Sometimes you get beans. The coast food involves a lot more of something called maduro or verde. Those are a type of plant that you can cook. With maduro you can slice and fry it and it is extremely sweet. Verde is usually used for patacones which is smashing and frying verde and it is rather good. Coast food also involves great quantities of rice all the time and also lots of seafood with the meal. They usually drink a jugo which is just like a fruit drink.
My toe is actually doing well I made sure to trim it well and now none of my toes are red or swollen so my feet are fine. The only problem is the bottom of my feet as we have been walking so much that it has opened a few sores on the bottom of my foot. It is rather small but it can hurt.
Today was fun as we went bowling (found in the north mission) as a zone. Unfortunately our group of 5 people got the rounds cut short as for a good portion of time our lane didn't work. So we got like 1 and a half rounds due to time issues. I did get a few photos of us. Not too many. That was the main feature of today as well as eating dunkin donuts (again only found in the north mission) over there. That was lots of fun.
Have fun!
Elder Throop
A Stadium in the North Mission |
Playing billiards before bowling |
Preparing to bowl a strike? |
Tyler and Elder Coronado from Peru |